Buy Sql Server 2016
As of June 1, 2016, Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is available for purchase. In May, I published a preliminary report on SQL 2016 licensing. As promised, here is my full report. This first post covers the basics of SQL 2016 licensing. My next post will cover how to license SQL 2016 in a virtual environment.
buy sql server 2016
There are two other editions not listed on the chart above: the Web edition (only available through third-party service providers) and the Enterprise (Server+CAL) edition (only available through SA version upgrades or an existing Enterprise Agreement). For more information on these editions, see the SQL Server 2016 Licensing Guide here.
If you are looking at a simple solution then here are the facts. Our example will be for a single instance of SQL Standard, running on a server with four or less processor cores, serving as an internal database for a limited number of users, and not covered by Software Assurance.
So when is it cheaper to purchase SQL 2016 Standard using the core model rather than the Server+CAL model? With SQL 2014, the answer was 31 users. With SQL 2016, the answer is now 32 users. The price for a four-core minimum purchase fits between the prices for 31 users and 32 users using the Server+CAL model:
Is it possible to purchase SQL 2016 Standard still? I have a requirement to load this for specific software, and see I can still get evals on Microsoft site, but under "BUY" it says upgrade to Server 2019. Are vendors like CDW/Insight able to provide licensing for this still?
Dedicated infrastructure provides servers that are physically isolated for use by a single customer. Amazon EC2 has two dedicated infrastructure options: Dedicated Hosts and Dedicated Instances. If you bring existing licenses to Dedicated Hosts or Dedicated Instances, then you are using hardware that is fully dedicated to your use.
A Dedicated Host is a physical EC2 server fully dedicated to you. Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts allow you to use your eligible software licenses from vendors, including Microsoft, on Amazon EC2, so that you get the flexibility and cost effectiveness of using your own licenses, but with the resiliency, simplicity and elasticity of AWS. With Dedicated Hosts, you have an option to control instance placement and gain visibility into the number of sockets and cores installed on a host. You can use these features to bring your own software licenses bound to virtual instances, sockets, or cores, including Windows Server, SQL Server, and SUSE Enterprise Server.
There are various factors to consider when licensing passive failover for SQL Server. The information below pertains only to the SQL Server licenses and not the Windows Server licenses. In all cases, you must license Windows Server. For more information on SQL and failover server scenarios, visit this Microsoft SQL Server Licensing guide.
In contrast, when System Center products are purchased individually as Client Management Licenses, and are not purchased as part of System Center Standard or System Center Datacenter suites, the licenses are intended for managing end user clients rather than server environments.
The latest server OS released by Microsoft, Windows Server 2022, offers a variety of features and improvements in performance, connectivity and security. AWS customers can make the best out of running Windows Server 2022 on EC2 by leveraging the elasticity and breadth of resources offered on AWS. Customers can start using various features of Windows Server 2022 readily by accessing the Windows AMIs offered by AWS.
Yes, you can create customized AMIs from Windows Server 2016 and Nano Server instances. As a best practice, AWS recommends generalizing an image by running sysprep when creating a new Windows AMI, and this continues to be true for Windows Server 2016. However, sysprep is not included in Nano Server, meaning image generalization is not available when creating a Windows AMI from Nano Server. Alternately, users can customize a Nano Server instance post-launch by using Run Command, which enables configuration via remote command execution.
Windows Server 2016 and Nano Server AMIs feature an all-new version of the SSM agent that replaces the functionality previously supported by the EC2Config service, thereby eliminating the need for EC2Config. With these enhancements, SSM agent now supports a number of advanced settings and launch-time configurations. More details on the new SSM agent in Windows Server 2016 and Nano Server can be found in the User Guide.
You can bring your own license to Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts, subject to your licensing terms with Microsoft. Use VM Import to create a Windows Server 2016 AMI from your own copy of Windows Server 2016.
Automated upgrade: For customers with SQL Server 2008 R2 (or later) and Windows Server 2008 R2 (or later), AWS Systems Manager automates the performance of non-destructive in-place upgrades. Visit this page for more details about SQL Server upgrade. Windows Server 2008 R2 customers can upgrade to Windows Server 2012 R2 and again to Windows Server 2016 or 2019. Visit this page for more details. For customers with a License Included (LI) version of Windows Server or SQL Server, there is no additional licensing cost to upgrade. To learn how to use these tools to upgrade, please visit AWS database blog.
Glossary AMI (Amazon Machine Image): Is a template for the root volume for the instance (for example, an operating system, an application server, and applications), manages launch permissions that control which AWS accounts can use the AMI to launch instances. Contains a block device mapping that specifies the volumes to attach to the instance when it's launched. AWS (Amazon Web Services): offers a broad set of global compute, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services that help organizations move faster, lower IT costs, and scale applications. AWS Management Console: access and manage Amazon Web Services through a simple and intuitive web-based user interface. BYOL (Bring Your Own License): is a process you can use to deploy software that you have previously licensed on physically dedicated AWS hardware. If you BYOL, you do not pay for instances with licensing included in the cost. Instead, you pay the same rate as EC2 instances with Amazon Linux pricing. When you BYOL, you are responsible for managing your own licenses. CloudEndure: offers reliable business continuity solutions that minimize data loss and downtime due to human errors, network failures, external threats, or any other disruptions. Our Disaster Recovery and Migration solutions are powered by innovative workload mobility technology, which continuously replicates applications from any physical, virtual, or cloud-based infrastructure into Amazon Web Services (AWS). As such, CloudEndure is uniquely qualified to support large-scale, heterogeneous environments with diverse applications and infrastructure. Custom AMI: is an AMI created in your account either built from an imported image or captured from an existing instance. For example, you can launch an instance from an existing AMI, customize the instance, and then save this updated configuration as a custom AMI. Instances launched from this new custom AMI include the customizations that you made when you created the AMI. EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud): provides scalable computing capacity in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. EMP (End-of-Support Migration Program) for Windows Server: program that helps customers with migration of their legacy Windows Server applications to the latest, supported versions of Windows Server on AWS, without any code changes. EOS (End of Support): is a term used to reference Microsoft ending support for a product, in accordance with their Product Lifecycle policy. Hyperscale: refers to the facilities and provisioning required in distributed computing environments to efficiently scale from a few servers to thousands of servers. Hyperscale computing is usually used in environments such as big data and cloud computing. In-Place Upgrade: upgrades the operating system files while your personal settings and files are intact. Instance (EC2 Instance): is a virtual server in the AWS cloud. Its configuration at launch is a copy of the AMI that you specified when you launched the instance. LI (License Included): refers to the use of Amazon's Microsoft Licensing Agreement for Windows Server and SQL Server. LTSC (Long Term Servicing Channel): is a release channel of Windows Server released once per 2-3 years with stability and long term support in mind. LTSC releases provide a predictable OS experience and provide 5 years of traditional support starting from initial release, plus an additional 5 years of extended support for security updates. VMIE (AWS VM Import/Export): is an AWS Service used to import Operating System Images to AWS EC2 in an offline mode. RDS (Amazon Relational Database Service): is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient, resizable capacity for an industry-standard relational database and manages common database administration tasks. SA (Software Assurance): is a comprehensive program offered by Microsoft to help deploy, manage, and use Microsoft products efficiently. SAC (Semi-Annual Channel): is release channel of Windows Server released twice per year with a limited support life cycle, ending 18 months from initial release. SAC releases allow customers to pilot the latest OS features quickly, but are not intended for long term use. SMS (AWS Server Migration Service): is an AWS Service used to import Operating System Images to AWS EC2 in an online mode. WorkSpaces (Amazon Workspaces): is a managed, secure cloud desktop service. You can use Amazon WorkSpaces to provision either Windows or Linux desktops in just a few minutes and quickly scale to provide thousands of desktops to workers across the globe. 041b061a72